Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Question and Spider-Man

As I was making this cover, I realized that I was featuring a couple of Steve Ditko characters, but without using Ditko artwork - so I decided to sneak in a back-up feature to make up for that.  It's too bad that Steve Ditko never once returned to Spider-Man after he left the character.  I saw a documentary recently where Stan Lee expressed the desire to get together with the reclusive Ditko for one more Spidey tale.  I don't know if he could ever convince him to do that, but I would pick that issue up in a second!


  1. This would be a very cool team-up, with either the Ditko or O'Neil era Question for sure, or hell use the JLU one, he was funny as hell himself.

    Cool cover hook as well:)

    Doc Strange and Creeper? Oh that's got to be made. The hilarity that would ensue would be off the charts:)

  2. It would be awesome to re-team Lee and Ditko, so long as Lee didn't actual have much of anything to do with writing the dang thang. Let somebody ghost his style. Actually, Ditko's pretty rough these days as well. So what I really meant to say was that it would be awesome to team Robert Kirkman with Mike Allred on a classic Spider-Man story. Yeah, that.

  3. This surely rocks man! If you can manage it, how about Mr. A & Hawk & Dove to keep the Ditko theme going?

  4. And, who would have made a better common foe for these two except...

    ...THE ANSWER?

  5. And, who would've made a better common foe for these two except...THE ANSWER?
