Thursday, December 6, 2012

Daredevil Vs. Solomon Grundy

The movie rights to Daredevil have reverted back to Marvel, and I am very curious to see what approach they take with the character.  Something tells me that we won't be seeing any playground battle scenes featuring Matt Murdock in his street clothes next time out.  Marvel would be wise to avoid a "hip" soundtrack that only serves to date the movie the next time around as well.  I recently watched a great sports movie, Warrior, which starred Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte and Joel Edgerton.  Egderton is a great actor and a tough looking redhead who can take on very physical roles.  I think Marvel should look very closely at this guy for their next live action Daredevil.


  1. how bout forever people and eternals or excalibur and red hood and outlaws or batlash vs two gun kid or kid colt
