Friday, December 21, 2012

Batman Vs. Walter White

Breaking Bad is my favorite TV series currently running... and just maybe my favorite series ever.   It has just about the strongest first episode of any show I have ever seen.  I don't know how anyone can watch that first episode and not want to find out what happens next.  The show has maintained its excellent quality ever since.  Top notch writing, acting and directing all around have made this a must watch for me.  There are only eight episodes left and it's going to be a long wait until Summer when they air.  I highly recommend any comic fan to watch this show as it could just as well be called "Creation of a Super-Villain".  Bryan Cranston has masterfully portrayed a character that you will at times root for and at times cringe at, but you can never take your eyes off of him.  His slow descent into evil over the seasons has been done so well that everyone has a different opinion as to when he passed the point of no return.  Aaron Paul, Dean Norris and the rest of the cast are always incredibly watchable as well.  It's just about a perfect show.

I was glad to be able to use an image from the awesomely cool fan-film Batman: Dead End for this cover.  I loved the costume they used for it, and the cowl and cape are especially impressive.  To me, they look far better than anything used in the big budget Hollywood films.


  1. Never saw the TV show, but I live that fan film. If only Hollywood would take notes from these guys. "Sigh", looks like we'll never get the Batman we want., but the Batman we deserve.

  2. You still surprise us Ross.

  3. Good ! Very good idea, and great cover.

  4. I have never seen Breaking Bad. I don't like shows or movies that show how the main character becomes evil. I prefer to see how the main character becomes a better person not worse then he was before.

  5. I am usually the same way, Rick. There is another character on the show that seems to be following the opposite arc - starting out as a lowlife and finding out the good in himself over time.

  6. Best cover yet, Ross! This is amazing!

  7. You should do another Breaking Bad cover - considering the show just eneded.
