Thursday, November 8, 2012

Justice League Vs. The Phoenix

I really loved the line up for the new Justice League title that spun out of Legends.  It really took advantage of the newly merged universe from Crisis on Infinite Earths by featuring a team made up of heroes from the formerly separated worlds.  You had Batman, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter from the original JLA, and then added Dr. Fate (Earth-2), Captain Marvel (Earth-S), Blue Beetle (Charlton), Mister Miracle (Fourth World) and Dr. Light (a brand new character from Crisis).  It was a cool grouping and I really wish they had enjoyed more adventures together before the team started swapping out members and became more about situation comedy than super heroics.


  1. Cool idea here, as I'd love to see just how that particular version of the JL fare against the power of the Phoenix. Can Batman and J'onn figure out her/its weakness in time? Can J'onn mentally fight the Phoenix? Just how powerful is the GL ring vs. the power of the Phoenix? All good questions begging for an answer.

  2. The counter-crossover that comes to mind is The Avengers versus Doomsday. But after the first two pages and The Avengers are all laying around lifeless, what next?

  3. I really miss the female asian Dr. Light. I thought she was flat-out awesome. But I have not seen this character since the late '90s/2000. Now that Katana is going to get her own book, maybe other asian superheroes will start making appearances as well, or will be created.

  4. The Spectre versus The Marvel Universe? Make it happen.

  5. I like her a lot too and you will be seeing her, as well as Katana, featured on upcoming covers.

  6. I do have a cover close to Spectre and the Marvel U coming up...

  7. Dale's comment pretty much summed up my thoughts on the story behind this cover. Also, you seem to have hit just the right combination to make the cover tell a part of the story, especially with Guy Gardner's upraised hand.

    I do think Bandit's suggestion of Avengers vs. Doomsday has merit, but it would have to be an iteration with both Thor and Hulk.

    And since others have brought up Doctor Light II, perhaps she can be teamed up with the MU's Photon (aka Captain Marvel II).

    As a side note, if you ever assemble a group of speedsters, my own character Speed Bump might make for a good "ringer."

  8. Bob, one of those scenarios you mention well definitely be featured on an upcoming cover.

  9. how bout all cold characters vs each other such as from dc ice and killer frost capt cold and mr freeze vs blizzard and iceman and frost giant

  10. still need blue devil and son of satan

  11. Covers close to those last two suggestions are in the future as well.

  12. How about Phoenix vs. X'hal from the Perez/Wolfman titans series. That might make an interesting combo.
