Monday, September 3, 2012

Green Arrow and Thor

Definitely a bit of a mismatch here, but I always like it when Green Arrow gets a chance to interact with larger than life and overly powerful characters.  I'll be giving the new CW series, Arrow, a shot and I hope that it is faithful to the comic book incarnation.  While I don't expect to see any of DC's more outlandish characters showing up, the series does promise to have appearances by more street-level folks like Black Canary, The Huntress and Deathstroke.  With this upcoming series, Hawkeye in The Avengers, and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, it's no wonder that the sport of archery is experiencing some renewed popularity these days.


  1. This one made me think of Marvel's GA knock-off Hawkeye; In a "What-If" story, Hawkeye and the Avengers go to Asgard and Vizier empowers them, giving Hawkeye an enchanted bow..."arrows fired from it never miss..." Hawkeye replies "They never do anyway, you old geezer!"

  2. "Arrow" is the first new show on the CW since it became the CW (as opposed to UPN + the WB) that I've been interested in watching. It had my attention even before I learned that John Barrowman was going to be in it.

    Hmmmm... Has there ever been a comic of Torchwood?

  3. That's the Dr. Who spinoff, right? I only watched one episode and it didn't really grab me, but maybe it gets better later, I can't say. I do have a few Dr. Who covers in the pipeline.

  4. A Torchwood strip ran in the magazine companion to the series. The art reminded me of Paul Grist, very minimal line work. I think they've been collected in comic-size format, but I can't remember if there's been an original series.
    Check the websites for BOOM! and IDW. They seem to have a lock on TV licenses.

  5. Dave sez,

    Very interesting team-up! I started reading JLA when Green Arrow "quit" because they had "forgotten" about the little guy on the street from way up high in the satellite.

    Bob, I'm pretty sure I have seen a cover for a Torchwood comic from IDW. They're producing the comic for the 11th Doctor...

    Hopefully, Green Arrow will catch on, and maybe they can include a guest appearance by Christopher Chance...
