Monday, September 24, 2012

Aquaman And Abe Sapien

I got a kick out of both Hellboy films and it's too bad that a third installment looks doubtful due to non-blockbuster box office figures, creators with other commitments, and an aging Ron Perlman.  I think that the best realized character in those flicks was Abe Sapien.  The combination of makeup, computer imagery, and Doug Jones' physique and performance made Mike Mignola's creation step right out of the comic pages.  While David Hyde Pierce did a fine job voicing Abe Sapien in the first film, I was glad that Doug Jones was given the ability to provide the vocals in the sequel (and the animated films that followed as well).


  1. If you go the animated route you can get more Hellboy and more Hyde-Pierce. There are the two animated features, "Sword Of Storms" and "Blood And Iron", and the B.P.R.D.-related "Amazing Screw-On Head", in which Hyde-Pierce voices the villain and makes the whole thing work. He's hilarious and creepy.

  2. Lets have another tutorial Ross, since I'm guessing your using photoshop now. Reveal some trade secrets!

  3. These are still MS Paint. Aside from one or two exceptions, the Photoshop covers won't show up until the mid 300's.

  4. Not being all that familiar with Hellboy (movie, comics, or any medium), I'd not heard of Abe Sapien before this cover. The graphic paused about halfway down, and I started expecting to see a primate.

    Once it finished loading, the cover ended up looking as awesome as usual. But that got me to thinking: do you have anything coming up with Detective Chimp? Maybe he could help out Doctor Strange with something or other.

  5. I've used him once but I'll try to find a spot for him again.

  6. Detective Chimp and Doctor Strange. I don't know how Ross's cover would be (oh yeah, I do), but, that's already a great picture in my mind!

    Story by... Alan Moore!!1! :D

  7. Here's another one. Detective Chimp and.....Howard the Duck!
