Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Atom and The Hulk

Just a simple cover today, but I really liked how the images went together.  These two characters seem like an unlikely pair at first glance, but I don't think a tale featuring the two of them would be all that far fetched.  I can see Ray Palmer and Bruce Banner collaborating on some scientific venture when calamity breaks out and gamma and atomic hi-jinks ensue.  Or perhaps  they would run into each other in one of the microscopic societies that they like to visit. Either way, it would be a fun issue to read.


  1. how bout iron man vs evil star/sinestro and green lantern either hal guy or kyle vs mandarin and living laser or howard the duck and cerebus or tmnt or tmnt and teen titans or new mutants also green hornet and green lantern/arrow would be all green

  2. Deathstroke, The Terminator and Winter Soldier.....unlikely?

  3. I have covers featuring both of them coming up.

  4. I think a trip to Jarella's homeworld would be an ideal setting for a teaming of these two.

    Rip Off

  5. Hah! Just a simple cover today, you say. It's the ideation behind it, not the labor that went into it. Sometimes the best stuff *is* the simplest, e.g. Picasso's head of a bull. (How's that for artistic company, Ross?) Four of us looking at it here, all LOL. I don't know where you grabbed the images (always long for links to your source covers), but I especially admire the proportions. Atom is large enough to be visually significant, yet the main impression is the little bitty guy is hilariously dwarfed -- Lilliputianized! -- by the foot alone of that cover-filling enormous green monster -- um, I mean misunderstood anti-hero with anger control issues. The one-second battle. Like, say, Darkseid versus 'Mazing Man.

  6. Rembrandt... Matisse... Picasso... Ross! Hey, works for me!

  7. One-second battle? The classic is, of course, Bambi and Godzilla, and actually putting those two on an STF cover would be wonderful.

    But then you could always team up Super Goof with Hong Kong Phooey to fight... well, just about anyone (though I personally would favor Foxbat).

  8. 'Mazing Man? Did someone say 'Mazing Man?? Aw come on, Ross! You just gotta whip something up with that guy. (What was DC thinking, back in the 1980s?)

  9. Gotta admit, love to see Super Goof in this somewhere. Or The Atom with Mary jane and Sniffles. ;)

  10. "Or perhaps they would run into each other in one of the microscopic societies that they like to visit."

    Very gratifying somehow to see another comic book lover acknowledge these kinds of connections and trivia. Keep up the good work.
