Friday, August 10, 2012

Blue Beetle & Booster Gold Join The Defenders

I can't imagine a team featuring this group would last that long, but is sure would be fun to watch.  I was always surprised that with all of the spin-offs to Giffen/DeMatteis and Maguire's 80's Justice League, that DC never put out a Blue and Gold series.  They were one of the best buddy teams in comics and I'm sure it could have been a fun romp.  Alas, Ted Kord was killed off, so chances are slim we will ever see such a series.  Nobody ever stays dead forever in comics though, so there's always hope.


  1. THAT is Hilarious! And very much in the spirit. If you've ever done one I wish I could read, this is it.

  2. Dave sez,

    A whoopie cushion on The Hulk's chair - BRILLIANT!

    I really enjoyed the earlier Defenders mini-series. Not sure how many years back it's been, but it was written very much like the '80's Justice League.

  3. Don't forget Dematteis's hand in the JLI

  4. This one I would definitely buy!!!! I wish you have been able to use Kevin Macgurie, but this would be BAWHAHA!!!!! Genius to say the least!!!!!!

  5. That is awesome! I love whoopie cushion bit, funny as hell. I'd buy it.


  6. OK, this is my favorite of all your covers. I would do anything to see this get made! What a perfect crossover.

  7. Cathy and Dave,

    I just last week read the 2005 Defenders mini, with Dormammu and Umar. It was by Giffen, DeMatteis, and Maguire. I assume that's the one you mean, as it was definitely in the style of those early JLI issues.

  8. I'd buy this comic in a flash.

  9. I'm with the rest of the commenters -- this is definitely near the top for best STF cover so far. If this was a real series, it would probably be one of the top-selling issues.

    On another note, did Ted get killed again? I know he was murdered in 52, but then I read that Booster went and rescued him (creating some weird time paradoxes).

  10. This just made my morning. So completely want this to be real.

  11. Love it! You're a funny dude.

  12. Booster's only half-right: the JLI _grudgingly tolerated_ his sense of humor!

    Emphasis on the adverb.
