Monday, July 9, 2012

The Flash and The Avengers

I have heard bits and pieces about a planned Flash film for years, but Warner Brothers seems a bit hesitant to dive completely forward with one, especially with the underwhelming reception to their attempt with Green Lantern.  I still think that there's a great movie to be made and the character certainly has a built in recognition factor from his live action and animated TV appearances.  A movie would definitely have to provide some new ways of portraying super speed, more than just fast motion cameras and "bullet time" effects that we've seen hundreds of times by now.  The success of The Avengers means that we are by no means past the superhero movie fad, so I am sure it is only a matter of time before we see a Flash flick finally filming one of these days.


  1. I personally don't believe they could improve on the live action TV series. It was very well done - one of the very best comic book adaptations on either the big or small screen, in my opinion - and I was always sorry they didn't renew it for a second season.

  2. I love the "Golden Age Classic" you added. Fun stuff as always.

  3. Excellent mix, Ross. I love watching Clint try to grab Barry. And Flash and Whizzer, you KNOW I want to read that story.

  4. i feel madman and capt atom or capt marvel would work also madcap and ambush bug or daredevil nightwing would be cool also still want clea and zatanna

  5. the Flash/Whizzer tale will eventually be featured on a cover all it's own.

    Madman, Capt. Atom, Capt. Marvel, Ambush Bug, Daredevil, Nightwing and Zatanna all have covers coming your way as well.

  6. I was think that Giant Man might be a really difficult CGI to pull off, but they did a smash up job portraying the giant Engineers in the movie Prometheus this summer!

  7. CGI has come such a long way. I read somewhere that they could not afford to put Angel in the first X-Men movie because the feathers in his wings were just too expensive to animate back in 2000. And that one minute scene of Colossus nearly broke thier budget! Is there anything visual at this point that CGI still can't do very well?

  8. Perfect exchange for the original's Quicksilver! I've thought about the same as a kid, but the Flash image I imagined was the famous early 70s cover corner icon (maybe a Curt Swan illustration?). Really love the Golden Age nod! Looks like the insets seen on Fantasy Masterpieces covers!

    Ever thought about Golden Age Wonder Woman and Timely's Miss America?

  9. I do have a golden age WW cover coming up, but that's one I hadn't though of...

  10. The new Flash series coming to TV, this fall, will have to go a long way to topping the John Wesley Schipp version that was done by CBS.
