Friday, July 27, 2012

Jor-El and Odin

It will be interesting to see the new take on Jor-El in next summer's Man of Steel.  With the casting of Russell Crowe in the role, you know that it is not a throwaway part and there should be at least one or two meaty scenes featuring Superman's dad.  I look forward to Anthony Hopkins is returning with the rest of the cast in Thor: The Dark World, as he was one of the highlights of the first film for me.  Let's hope he gets to stay awake for the whole film this time!


  1. Holy Rao-gnarok! Did you use four different sources for this? The Swan Superman is obviously from a different artist than Jor-El (Darwyn Cooke? From "New Frontier"?). I'd put the Thor as maybe mid-1970's John Buscema (inked by Joe Sinnott?), but the Odin as maybe late 1970's Walt Simonson inked by Tony DeZuniga. Simonson had a relatively brief run on "Thor" where he use a more conventional style before he returned in the early 1980's using the more distinctive style that made the book a hit. Kind of like John Byrne did on "Fantastic Four".

    Now I've got to go sifting through online sites with old covers to see how far off I was. (Hey, anybody else remember Lois and Clark's cameo in the Simonson Thor run?)

  2. wow....Ross, I'm kinda speechless. This is one of your surprise concept covers that i'm sure no one would have ever thought of and yet once you see it, they go, DAMN, OF COURSE!! Please rank this one as a solid 4 or 3 when you eventually publish your TOP TEN COVERS special. (you are working on that, aren't you?)

  3. Dave sez,

    I could watch Sir Anthony Hopkins in anything. I love his narration of The Grinch; I love his tongue in cheek cameo in MI:2; I'm looking forward to both his turn as Alfred Hitchcock and his return as Odin - what versatility!

    Russell Crowe IS an interesting choice as Jor-El. What an almost hip and contemporary choice! Jor-El was done a huge disservice on Smallville. I don't think it was clearly explained that Julian Sands as Jor-El took all of his dry, factual knowledge and created an impersonal version in the voice of Terrence Stamp as Jor-El. I would rather have it turn out that it was Brainiac. That would have been less vague and gray.

    Hopefully, Man of Steel will be EPIC.

  4. I love this more than I can express. What a funny idea!

  5. pblfsda - That's a Dave Bullock Jor-El. I actually used 5 sources on this if you count the starfield.

  6. I love the Superman/Thor team-ups; they have always acted as the top dogs of their respective homeworlds, and there's always room for the guys to share a story.

    The father idea is a novel take--and reminds me of the kind of late Golden Age/early Silver imaginary stories of discovered parents, adult heroes as previously unestablished teen superheroes, etc. (think World's Finest).

    Keep up the Superman/Thor team-ups!
