Monday, June 4, 2012

Swamp Thing and The Hulk

Now that The Hulk is getting renewed interest as a film property due to the success of his appearance in The Avengers, perhaps it is time for DC to take another look at their own big green guy.  I think enough time has passed since the cheesy 80's Swamp Thing films that audiences could be willing to give a new film a try.  Imagine a serious Swamp Thing movie that used the latest in CGI and had the Alan Moore issues of the comic as a template.  It could be very cool and cross the line between horror and action, the way the series did.  Swamp Thing is enjoying a nice revival  in the comics right now, so the time is right - let's go, Warner Brothers!


  1. If they do a Swamp Thing movie, it would be cool if it were all origin, with everyone believing as they originally did that Swamp Thing was Holland transmuted. Then as an after credit scene they could show Holland's actual body still mired in the swamp...

  2. As much as a Swamp Thing movie is indeed a good idea, an even better one would be a cable series adapting the Wein/Wrightson and Moore stories, most of which were discrete single and two issue stories anyway. I think the biggest obstacle wouldn't be the 80's movies (and TV series) but the commercial failure of the Man-Thing movie. It was rewritten into some incoherent hodge-podge of Man-Thing and Swamp Thing and wound up going direct to basic cable on the Sci-Fi (now Syfy) Channel. Studio execs would be understandably reluctant to approve spending money on something which, superficially in an initial pitch, is going to sound similar to them.

  3. A serious Swamp Thing movie would be awesome. I actually loved both of the 80s movies, though I tried to keep them in mind as separate entities rather than a unit -- the first one was a nice, if somewhat weak, attempt at a serious outing, while the second had more the feel of the classic 60s Batman TV show (it really works well in that vein).

    On the other hand, I'd like to find every copy of the cartoon series that followed both of those films and destroy them so nobody ever has to go through seeing them again.

    For a new film -- yeah, I fully endorse Steve's idea. Find someone for Holland with some good acting chops for a brainy, low-key character, like Jonathan Togo or maybe Christopher Heyerdahl, and you'd have something.

    Oh, and... from the very beginning, I think this is the first cover I've seen where I actually have owned the original.

  4. I don't know if a Swamp Thing movie coud work, a CG Swamp Thing might just end up looking cheesy.

    I still haven't forgivin Hollywood for whatthey did to Jonah Hex.

  5. Yeah these two do seem like a natural for a team-up right? Hell, Hulk's already danced with Marvel's swamp thing, Man-Thing, so you might as well have the genuine article team-up/fight w/Hulk.

    I like the way you seamlessly blended the two pieces of artwork together, especially since the the pics you chose compliment each other art style-wise. Kudos.

  6. It helped that they are both by Frank Cho!

  7. You're right I didn't notice that for some reason.

  8. Actually, compared to the Syfy Channel-produced travesty that was MAN-THING, the Dick Durock versions of Swamp Thing were undeniably superior!
