Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spider-Man and The Original Blue Beetle

I am sure I'll check out The Amazing Spider-Man in the theaters but I still have mixed opinions about it.  I like that Spidey now had web shooters rather than organic webs, but I don't get the addition of the metallic slippers.  I like the mask much better than the one from the Raimi movies, as it looks closer to the original Ditko design, but then the costumers added the unnecessary pin stripes and eliminated the belt portion in the front... which just seems like change for change's sake.  I like the use of the Lizard finally, but the look and the voice seem off to me.  And finally, retelling the origin so soon still strikes me as a strange decision.  If nothing else, the action scenes look cool (when he isn't whipping his mask off in mid-battle).  I'm going in with middling expectations and I hope I will be pleasantly surprised by what I see.


  1. We share initial reactions to these new Spider-Man movie trailers, Ross.

    And dammit, now I want to know WHY they broke Bonnie and Clyde out of prison!

  2. what does SPiderman have to do with Bonnie and Clyde? They were dead by the time Spidey was created.

  3. This is the Earth-STF Bonnie and Clyde.

  4. Interesting story idea. (And these might not be the Bonnie Parker and Clyde Darrow; they could be another couple who, in great comics tradition, noted the similarity and decided to follow in their namesakes' footsteps.)

    I find it interesting to have the original Blue Beetle here, given that the character is now Public Domain. Hopefully we'll get to see more Public Domain characters in here, like Green Lama or the original Wonder Man.

    I'm kind of looking forward to the new Spidey film too. While the Lizard is my favorite Spidey villain, though, he just doesn't seem right without the lab coat.

  5. I really like the Latino Blue Beetle currently seen in Young Justice. Very well written. How abut some Latino team-ups on STF?

  6. I'm a fan om Jaime Reyes as well and I'll definitely try to feature him as well as other Latino characters.

  7. Took me a moment to read "Earth-STF" as "Earth-Super Team Family"... :D

  8. How about an all-Ditko Spider-Man and Blue Beetle cover?

  9. I tried but it was tough to find a Ditko Beetle image that worked. Spidery and ted Kord will definitely cross paths though.

  10. Nice team up of vintage versions of the characters! Easy to see them operating in the same world!

  11. Did you Spidey met the Blue Beetle in an episode of Electric Company:

  12. Thought you might like a source of Golden Age covers for your work.
    Try this site.

    Joining is free and quick and you can download covers by left-clicking on them

    Plenty of Nlue beetle, all the quality heroes, MLJ, Fawcett, Dell(Kona and Tarzan?) and many many more.

    love your site.
