Monday, June 11, 2012

Green Lantern and Nova

This would have been a cool team up anyway, but now that I understand there is a Nova Corps in addition to the Green Lantern Corps, it is even more fitting.  They are both Earth men who spend a lot of time off-planet hanging out with various alien races so I think that a great story could be told featuring the two of them together.


  1. hey, how about Guardians of the Universe vs Guardians of the Galaxy ???

  2. Green Lantern as Galactus' herald would be pretty nice...

  3. I'd not heard about the Nova Corps. That makes this team-up even better than the GL/Captain Britain one I suggested a while back.

    Suddenly -- related both to this and the earlier Phantom Stranger/Watcher team-up you did -- I'm having an urge to see Phantom Stranger involved with Madame Web.

  4. Awesome and obvious choice of team-up here. Of course GL's got the better rogues gallery by a freaking looooooooong shot! Now I'm sure Rich and Hal would get along, but Kyle and Rich would be better suited as friends.

  5. Back in the day, when we were both working at Marvel, Marv got upset over my calling his new character "Green Nova." By the way, that first Nova story has been reprinted in Marvel Firsts: The 1970s Vol. 3, along with two stories by me and a whole bunch of other cool/fun stuff.

  6. You know what else would make a natural combination with either the Green Lantern or Nova Corps? The Ultraman Brothers!
