Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Metamorpho Vs. Thor

I liked the solo Thor film, but was hoping to see a little more action, as he was de-powered for much of the movie.  Fortunately, The Avengers made up for that with great action scenes for the God of Thunder.  I loved the fights with Iron Man and the Hulk and when he summoned lightning on the Chrysler Building, it was like a page from the comics!  I was also very glad to see him sporting his more traditional sleeveless look throughout most of the film as well, It made him look closer to the classic version.  My one complaint was the lack of the helmet again... I mean, he was going into battle with an army, there was even a reason to wear it!

Sadly, I have to admit that I don't think we'll ever see a live action Metamorpho, which is too bad, because he is one of my favorite characters.  But c'mon, who wouldn't want to see Bruce Willis kicking butt in the role?  OK, maybe just me...


  1. If we never see a live-action Metamorpho it won't be for lack of cinema-technology. The current state of CGI makes bringing Metamorpho to life laughably easy (as well as the Metal Men, Plastic Man, etc.) Sadly, DC/Warner Bros. just do not have thier act together regarding live action films. And with Dwayne McDuffie passing away last year, I think thier animation division will begin to suffer as well.

  2. Back in 1999, I remember reading how the studios decided to not include Angel or Colossus in the first and second X-Men films because the CGI was just too darn expensive to film (the feathers, the transformation from skin to steel- it was just too much!) Can you believe how far we've come in a decade?

    -Jasen Kim

  3. This is another team-up that seems counter-intuitive, but the Orb of Ra kind of makes an almost logical tie-in... and Metamorpho's line on the cover is worth the purchase price (or would be if it was an actual comic).

    The same connection through Ra gives me an idea: what if he were to team up with SG-1? Hmmmm...

    As for a Metamorpho live-action, I don't think we'll see one in either cinema or TV, which is kind of too bad. I personally would kind of like to see someone along the lines of Jim Carrey in the role (not necessarily Jim himself, but someone with his dramatic style).

  4. dcs question vs marvels the answer

  5. I don't see Bruce Willis in the role... but then again, it does sound interesting to think about, doesn't it?

  6. Woody Harrelson? Vin Diesel (for the Bart Sears Metamorpho!)

    Pleased to see Rex in this, I would never have put him up with Thor, but it makes since. He is a vessel of Ra.

    Your site is amazing.
