Friday, April 13, 2012

Atom and Hawkman Vs. Doctor Doom

Back in the Silver age, DC took The Atom and Hawkman from their solo series and paired them together.  It was a strange combination that shouldn't have worked, but for me it did.  I always liked the characters together and the friendship they have maintained in the decades since.  Has that friendship transferred over to the new continuity, or have the characters even met?  Since Ray Palmer looks to be sidelined in the JLA, perhaps he can find a home in Hawkman's current title.


  1. Beautiful cover, the coloring is fantastic. Computer technology has really had an impact on coloring layouts over the years. Any plans to use any of Rob Liefields' Image Comics characters?

  2. I didn't really follow his Image creations... but Deadpool will make an appearance at least.

  3. how about Aquaman vs. Mer-Man from Masters of the Universe?

  4. I haven't made any suggestions for awhile and you haven't really needed any but seeing this made me think of this team-up...Atom and Hawkman with Power Man and Iron Fist.

  5. There are definitely covers featuring Aquaman and Luke & Danny coming up... who they meet with remains to be revealed!

  6. Ray Palmer is currently the scientist in residence in DC's Frankenstein title, which was partially set up by last year's Giant-Size Atom Special. That special was the conclusion of some story line left over from his previous series, but it guest starred Hawkman! It seemed as though a lot of DC's writers were allowed to do a number of cool ideas just before the "New 52" switch was flipped, as though it was alright as long as it didn't matter.

  7. David H:
