Monday, February 6, 2012

Superman and Thor (Versus Mongul)

I already made a Silver Age version of this pairing, but I wanted to do a Bronze Age version as well, so here it is.  This is an example of artwork that has provided inspiration for more than one cover for me.  I loved the issue of DC Comics Presents that this came from, as it introduced me to the Prince Gavyn Starman.  I used the Starman image from that cover for my Batman/Starman B&B Lost Issue cover.  Now, for this team-up, I put Thor in Starman's place.  I did a lot of tweaking with the orange Kirby Dots as well, to make the cover work as a whole.


  1. Excellent! Is this a Dick Giordano & Romeo Thanghal early 1980s? Lets hear some praise for the unsung art of the DC circa '81-'85!

  2. Dave sez,

    Very cool!

    DC Comics Presents was a pretty cool book! Shame that it didn't last as long as The Brave and the Bold has. There were some pretty good team-ups there, though.

  3. Now if Mongul had been teamed up with Thanos that would have been a hell of a fight.

  4. This is cool. I actually did something similar with the same cover a few months ago. It's not perfect by any means though.
