Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wonder Woman and Captain America

This is a pairing I really like and there will be future covers featuring them together.  I just think they would make a great couple.  Cap likes strong assertive women and Wonder Woman likes blonde guys named Steve in the Military - it's a match made in heaven! Even their costumes look like they go together!  Forget Clark & Lois or Peter & MJ, this is a relationship that would rock the world of comics...


  1. Dave sez,

    Yes! I totally agree. Batman/Captain America is a pretty decent team-up, but Wonder Woman & Captain America just makes so much sense! Why has this never happened? A World War II story; a modern day story, either could work.

    This makes me wonder even more about a JSA/All-Star Squadron/Invaders team-up or crossover...against maybe Degaton and the Red Skull or Vandal Savage...

  2. Great cover and concept; even the Kirby CA is well integrated enough in the artwork that I didn't notice how different it was in style from the other art at first glance. Props!

    I never clicked on "Guys named Steve in the military" before you wrote it... and now you make me think Marvel/DC missed a great concept in their Amalgam books.... "Super Soldier, AKA Clark Trevor, and Amazon, AKA, Lois Prince! In love in both their secret and super identities... and never knowing it!"

  3. I'd like to see a mash-up of African-American heroes across all major and independent titles: Icon, Bishop, Vixen, Ms. Marvel (Black), Hardware, Blade and others.

  4. i just emailed you a question about submissions to the address on your Blogger profile. Bronze Tiger vs. iron Fist, nuff said.

  5. That's a cool match up, I'll look into it. Not a whole lot of Bronze Tiger images out there but maybe I can make something work.

  6. you misunderstand Ross i've already put it together in your Super Team Family cover format. i just want to send it to you for consideration for this blog. check your email again when you get a minute i just sent it to you.

  7. Oh yes! I loathe pairing Diana with Supes or Batty, but Cap's perfect!

    Word Verification: impig. What'd I say?!?

  8. Back in the day, Marvel did a parody of Wonder Woman and Captain America meeting in the Golden Age, in NOT BRAND ECHH! #3.

    The relevant pages can be seen hereL

  9. I made that connection as well. I'd love to see a crossover where they meet back in the 40s, fall in love, he is lost then is unthawed years later and she comes back from her island and they meet again in modern times. A Elseworlds like Batman/Captain America.

  10. I love it :) it's kinda funny cuz my bf wants to be captain America and I want to be wonder woman for Halloween but she's with super at the moment, which I love as well, but my bf doesn't like the muscles shirt all his costumes have, and they have a captain one without em, gosh, what the heck, ima do it XD
