Monday, January 23, 2012

Hourman and The X-Men

I thought this would be a fun pairing.  I have been a big fan of Hourman from the time when I first encountered him in the early JLA/JSA team-ups.  It is kind of crazy to go back and look at some of his old adventures.  A guy who can gain enhanced abilities for an hour is a fun concept but the way that power was administered through popping a mysterious pill was certainly a product of simpler times.   Of course, Stan Lee had the most simple solution to explaining how a character gained superhuman powers - they were born that way!


  1. very nice, Ross, very nice. But your no longer designating certain issues "Retro" if the art pre-dates 1965? The Retro designations are fun!

  2. That was mostly to differentiate when I used the same team up characters twice so I could tell which post was which in the listings. There will still be plenty of retro style covers though!

  3. Dave sez,

    Now this is an interesting combination!

    Very cool! So unusual.

    I guess characters like Hourman and Elongated Man are out of style because of the addictive nature of their powers - they weren't born with them or get them through no fault of their own, by "happy accident"; or by natural selection...

  4. Completely not a combo I'd ever have thought of at random... which perfectly fits the style of team-up comics like Brave and Bold, Marvel Two-in-One, etc. Some of the best teamups have been the most unlikely...Moore's Superman and Swamp Thing, for example.

  5. Fun! Never expected this! Great blend of styles.

  6. OK, thanks a lot! Now I have Lady Gaga singing in my head! All it lacks are X-Men-related lyrics!

    More seriously, I never noticed until now the sort of weird synchronicity in the costume designs here. It's not like Hourman is near dressed up like an X-Man (or vice versa), but it's interesting to see how well they work together in that regard.
