Friday, December 9, 2011

Batman and Thor (Retro)

Well, I have seen the Thor film a few times now and for me it is a mixed bag.  The casting was great and I really enjoyed the performances, particularly by Tom Hiddleston as Loki.  OK, maybe they should have gotten a fatter actor for Volstagg! Asgard looked great and the battle with the Ice Giants was suitably epic.  My problems with the movie are that Thor spends way too much time depowered and out of costume... and even when he wears the costume it is without the helmet save for five seconds at the beginning.  And the helmet looks great, there's no reason not to have it on in battle (a trend that looks to be continued in the Avengers).  The battle with the Destroyer and final battle with Loki both seemed a bit abrupt as well.  Still, Thor is one of the tougher characters to pull of on film and Kenneth Branagh did an admirable job.  He is not returning for the sequel and the replacement director has already left the project so the next installment is currently up in the air.  Hey, Marvel - give Peter Jackson a call!


  1. I agree Marvel needs to call Peter Jackson!!

  2. Dave sez,

    That's a cool cover.

    I thought I read that Branagh might be producing but not directing? Is that a rumor?

    I also read somewhere that one of the drawbacks of the super hero genre of films is that the mask hides what people supposedly REALLY want to see - the star's face. Notice how much time Chris Evans spent suited up, but without a mask on. I think he also didn't/doesn't have a "secret identity"! At least in the military community...

    Plus, I'm thinking Thor has been kinda retconned to include some of his Ultimate personna...

    Still, if Peter Jackson is available...

  3. You can still see the star's face with the helmet on! Yes I think Branagh will still have a hand as far as producing.

  4. Why is it I'd rather read these things you make up than most of the comics put out today? Oh, I know--imagination and class!


  5. Not Falstaff, Volstagg.
