Thursday, October 13, 2011

Batman and The Angel (Retro)

The Angel as originally conceived is a character that would never be created today.  Back when he was introduced, the power of flight and the visual of a man with wings was impressive enough to hook in readers - I know that I really liked him.  Somewhere along the line, it was felt that the character needed to get beefed up and given more of an edge.  When he was transformed into Archangel, he was turned blue, given metallic wings that could project blades, and saddled with a new grim and gritty attitude.  If this had just been for a story line that would have been fine, but he has never quite reverted back to his original status.  I think the changes made him seem more like a villain than a hero.    I haven't checked in on the X-books in a while so I am not sure what his status is now - I think he is still blue but are his wings metal or back to the classic feathered look?  I'm an old school guy so I almost always prefer the original design.


  1. If Angel (the original) were created today it would be by an alternative, black & white independent company like Dark Horse or another, and his story lines and character development would be much more advanced and developed. Sorry, but by the mid 1990's I had pretty abandoned the majors (Marvel & DC) who really lost their way for small, independent companies.

  2. Currently, he's able to switch between his human look and the archangel look at will. So a compromise of sorts. The archangel is explained as a different personality placed in him by the villain Apocalypse. In the current storyline "The Dark Angel Saga" the Archangel personality has taken over and Warren is something of a villain. I'm sure the hero will win out in the end. The writer, Rick Remender, created the great Fear Agent character. Have you read that series Ross? I'd love to see Fear Agent show up in one of these team ups.

  3. I've heard good things but haven't had a chance to check that one out.

  4. I saw the headline and expected to see the Golden Age Angel who appeared in Marvel Mystery Comics! I've been reading Masterworks lately and that's what first came to mind. His costume looked very much like Superman's. Maybe there's a cover idea for you.


  5. The Angel's figure is reversed from the cover of X-Men #13 by Jack Kirby & Joe Sinnott!

  6. And the rest of the cover is from World's Finest #97!

  7. BrittReid is made from awesome parts.

  8. Thanks Btrit.

    You are all kinds of awesome. ;)
