Friday, September 23, 2011

Batman and Scott McCloud

I think for anybody that has a passing interest in comics, the creative process, or even art in general, Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics is essential reading.  McCloud made the ingenious decision to explore the theory and workings of comics in actual comic book form.  Not only did that help clarify a lot of concepts, the very act of reading the book itself served to reinforce the ideas presented within.  I would also recommend his follow up, Reinventing Comics, which looked at where comics are now and where the form could go.


  1. Dave sez,

    That is one AWESOME cover! Brilliant! Inspired!

  2. Genius. I know I'm not the only one who regrets going to law school (or any other professional graduate school) rather than follow thier dreams and pursue a career in the comic book industry.

  3. After years of artists posing Batman on the roofs of ersatz Empire State Buildings instead of appropriately gothic architecture, I was hoping to see Batman and Zot! teaming up against Art Dekko. (Hey, the alphabet ain't over yet.)

  4. Hey, I've been following and enjoying these for quite a while, but this is my first post. I just wanted to say, absolutely brilliant idea. I would hang a poster of this. lol

  5. Thanks! I must say I was pleasantly surprised with all the traffic this cover has generated... mostly due to a link on Scott McCloud's Twitter feed. I hope some of those curious first time visitors stick around because there are many many more covers still to come.
