Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Batman and Rocket Raccoon

The main thing I remember about Rocket Racoon's earlier appearances was that his self-titled mini-series was one of my first exposures to the art of Mike Mignola.  I was surprised to see him show up again after many years as a part of Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning's Annihilation saga, but glad because anthropomorphic characters are always fun in comics.  I have been enjoying his relationship with Groot (another character plucked from obscurity - A treelike creature from the earliest issues of Thor) in the back up feature of the Annihilators mini series and hope we can continue to follow his adventures.


  1. This blog never ceases to bring a daily smile to my face. Have you been nominated for any awards yet? If not, how do we start the process rolling(surely there's some kind of Blog of the Year thing). - a true fan.

  2. Speaking Groot, could we see him with Batman as well. Love to see Morbius also.

  3. One site named me Geek of the Week, that's about as close to an award as this blog has received.

    Mike, Batman/Morbius is already on the blog, just use the search function and the cover will come right up... and he will be featured on another cover in the not too distant future.

  4. Congrads Ross! Thanks I'll check that out! Can't wait for Oct & the Halloween themed covers! Hey how about Batman & the House of Secrets!

  5. This is about as awesome as it gets. Kudos to you, good sir.

  6. Thought I commented on this one, but guess I didn't...

    LOVE how this one turned out. Art blends together really well, and the composition turned out wonderful. (The fact I love Mignola's work to begin with helps too). -Mea

  7. I've been trying to use some more Mignola Art. I'll definitely have some all-Mignola covers in my B&B follow-up.
