Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Batman and Iron Man 2020

The Machine Man mini-series that introduced the Iron Man of 2020 is one of my all time favorite titles from the Bronze Age.  I loved the Barry Windsor-Smith highly detailed artwork (including the awesome covers that featured Machine Man being built from the circuits up) and his design for Arno Stark's suit of armor was incredibly cool.  I must not be the only one to hold that opinion, because Iron Man 2020 seems to keep popping up in various titles every few years.  Now there's another suit of armor that I'd love to see show up in the Iron Man movies, even as an Easter egg in the background!


  1. I love Iron Man 2020 too!!

    I wonder if you could do a cover showing the most recent movie Batman vs. the movie Iron Man?

  2. Dave sez,

    Awwww, yeah! Very nice!
    I've never seen anything of Iron Man 2020....

    Yeah, I'd like to see Bale and Downey, Jr. too if you can swing it...That would be sweet!

  3. I'm all for anyone coming back in time to stop Nolan from making his dull bat-movies.

  4. Just to give credit where credit is due, that particular Machine Man miniseries was pencilled by Herb Trimpe and inked by BWS. But BWS's inking almost completely buried Trimpe's pencils.

    That said, I thought Iron Man's dialogue said "Your MOVIES today spell disaster for the future!" :)

  5. a beautiful rendition of Batman. it looks like an animated cell from Batman: Gotham Knight

  6. Trimpe did breakdowns on issues #1-3, and BWS did full art chores on issue #4.

  7. As much as I like your covers, I enjoy your punny titles even more!

  8. I love these covers, especially the classic looking ones from the 60's. How about doing a Jim Aparo B & B Batman & Shazam/CM. aparo drew CM once to my knowledge. It was on a cover of the old 70's/80's Comic Reader. Also love to see CM/Shazam with Thor, OMAC & the Spectre.

  9. Aparo also drew Cap on a couple of World's finest covers. I'm trying to stick to inter-company crossovers for now. Shazam/Thor would be a cool match up though!

  10. This may be a dumb question, but your archives are so extensive it's hard to search them easily... have you crossed over your crossovers? A two part story, beginning in Marvel Two In One where the Thing meets Batman, then continuing the story in Brave and the Bold, where Batman meets the Thing!

    (They actually have met in the Justice League/Avengers crossover, which might give you a good art source, if you haven't done this already.)

  11. The "Search this blog" device is the easiest way to find if a character has appeared. I've done many two parters (one is coming up next Monday/Tuesday) but haven't crossed between the two titles. Batman and the Thing will be featured on the same cover again though!

  12. I have to wonder if Arno is trying to prevent the birth of...Sunset Wayne? ;-)

  13. Ironically appropriate title, Ross, as--right now--it's probably three years too late to feature a live-action version of Arno Stark. :-(

  14. But, if they do a Machine Man feature film (with Arno as the main antagonist), I'll still go see it in theaters. :-)
