Friday, August 5, 2011

Batman and Captain Marvel (Retro)

Captain Marvel is nowhere to be seen so far in the DC Reboot.  I know DC wants to get a Captain Marvel film up and running, so I'll be surprised if he is off the solicitation list for too long.  Hopefully when he returns he will be back to the traits that made him so popular in his early years. The tendency to try and make every character darker and more realistic especially hasn't worked on the Marvel Family.  Their stories should be about action, fun and imagination and able to be enjoyed by all ages.   I mean, one of Captain Marvel's greatest enemies is a caterpillar! That kind of thing is awesome to me and it loses something when a writer tries to make it grim and gritty or attempts to over-explain it.


  1. Jerry Ordway took Cap to new heights....his slight interpretations worked. But all that white costume Billy is the Wizard stuff....that was crap

    1. Yup and the New 52 made things ultimately worse!

  2. I'm loving your retro covers and can't wait to see what you have next. This one is perfect!

  3. I never like it when they make my heroes darker as you can see on my recent post. I hope the bring Plastic Man back soon with a light hearted action book.
    Have you thought of teaming Batman with Marvel's Captain Marvel?

  4. That one was posted months ago, just check the archives.

  5. Dave sez,

    I agree with Mikeboy! Ordway's Captain Marvel was the best. I haven't been following Captain Marvel since...I saw that DC tried Cap as an all-ages property...did that not work?

    Cap's appearances on Batman: The Brave and the Bold have been pretty solid!

  6. Re: "Darker" interpretations of Classic Characters.
    I beg to differ. Stories and characters are often a reflection of the times they are written. let's face it guys, the '40's, '50's and '60's were a much more "innocent" era. It was a post-World War 2 (pre-Civil Rights Movement), American culture that was trying to re-capture innocence lost. Notice Bob Kane's "Dark" Bat-Man created in the midst of the Depression. Well, Boomers, the "dark" times are back, if case you haven't noticed, and this generation will not take seriously (ie: purchase) a talking evil Caterpillar or friendly Tiger.

  7. It's weird seeing the Fawcett Captain Marvel under 'Go-Go' checks since he wasn't being published during the sixties. Marvel's green-and-white Kree Captain would be cool, since he debuted just about the time the checks disappeared. Or even the low-rent Captain whose body parts would split off. Or how about the Gil Kane (or Jim Starlin) blue-and-red Kree on a 'bigger and better' cover? Or Monica Rambeau on a Nemesis-period B&B cover?

  8. More Captain marvel covers are definitely in the future of this blog, especially when I switch gears again.

  9. Dave sez,

    Now that Bendis has switched gears on Ultimate Spider-Man, and there is this DCnU 52, the one book I'm most enjoying and supporting is The All New Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Issue 2 paired up Batman and Captain Marvel, along with a friendly tiger.

    It was...Outrageous!

  10. Great cover! The Kane and Beck art actually go quite well together! I know both artists were heavily influenced by movies. The Mr Tawny and Bathound panel is funny.

    Any Captain Marvel fans out there, please feel free to check out my blog, which has a lot of info on the character and the (non)deveopment of the movie. Shazamaholic Blog

  11. Anonymous, your statement that "let's face it guys, the '40's, '50's and '60's were a much more "innocent" era. It was a post-World War 2 (pre-Civil Rights Movement), American culture that was trying to re-capture innocence lost" only shows that you don't know American history.

    Film noir developed at that time and reflected the disenchantment of many Americans. Go see a few and you will see they are much darker than any comic books being made today. Also much better as they didn't need to show you graphic sex and gore to get their point across.

    I won't even begin to school you on the HUAC and McCarthyism, or the Berlin Wall and Berlin Airlift.

    You're ignorant if you believe what you stated.

    If anything, the need for escapism in entertainment is often the RESULT of living in dark times.

  12. @Anonymous and JDP: split the difference, guys. Let's just agree that the Early Silver Age provided some much needed...comic relief.

