Monday, August 1, 2011

Batman and Black Goliath

I always liked the character of Bill Foster from the days when he was a recurring character in Marvel-Two-In-One.  His solo title was short lived, but I had always hoped he would be given another shot once he took on the Giant Man moniker.  Unfortunately he was killed off unceremoniously in Marvel's Civil War event.  It seems every time there is one of these big events a character I like is killed for shock value, a trend that I am not a fan of.  I see lots of potential in characters like Foster, The Wasp, Elongated Man  and many others who have been treated like cannon fodder.  If the companies don't know what to do with these characters, fine... but I wish they would just let them lie in limbo for a while rather than taking them out of the game completely.


  1. Dave sez ~

    Nice cover!
    Seems to me the ONLY reason The Big Two have "event" books anymore is to kill off characters, rather than really give some characters a chance to shine. "52" did nothing good for Ralph Dibney. Granted, he's no Plastic Man; Ralph's powers come from drinking a magic potion - probably not the best role model for impressionable readers...ditch the "drinking gives me powers" angle, and just go with him being a strecthable sleuth...

    Remember when "event" books were JLA/JSA team-ups to put the Golden-Age back in the spotlight.

    Good times!...

  2. I agree with both of your sentiments here - I enjoyed BG, too (I met him via the Champions, though - any chance of doing a cover with them?). And I'm also tired of the ongoing slaughter of b-grade heroes. It would be so much nicer for them to just be ignored - and utilized as the occasional guest star - than wiping them out entirely!

  3. I'm a Champions fan as well, so there's a good chance they will show up.
