Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Thing and The Demon

The Demon is another great example of the huge impact Kirby had on DC Comics during his time there. He combined the transforming man archetype with sorcery and history to come up with a character unlike any other in the DCU. It's a testament to Kirby's sense of design that The Demon has maintained his original look in the decades since his creation while so many other characters have undergone major overhauls. He's always a fun element to add to stories because of his relationship with his human host Jason Blood, as well as his ever-shifting loyalties to the denizens of the underworld.


  1. Love the cover, but it just feels odd to me, Etrigan not rhyming. Like "Unleashed from you mind, every terrible thought! Can you take the horrors thus wrought?"

    Okay Ijust kinda like the whole rhyming demon thing. :)


  2. This is one where I didn't change the copy in the word balloon, so it's not my fault! Did Etrigan rhyme before Moore wrote him in Swamp Thing? I'm not sure where that started.

  3. I love this site...I hope you keep doing Thing team-ups for a long time! How about the Thing and Popeye?

  4. you aren't the first to suggest this... but the disparate art styles make it a tough one!

  5. Dave sez,

    Great cover!

    I know I am more familiar with Etrigan rhyming because of his more modern appearances...

    Here's another character like The Creeper that has worked really well with The Batman...another Outsider...
