Friday, April 1, 2011

The Thing and Star Trek

I really liked the latest Star Trek film with the new cast quite a lot. I thought it was great how they used Leonard Nimoy to tie the two different realities together, making the classic TV shows and films still canon and living on through Spock Prime. It will be much more fun watching the continuing adventures of the new Trek reality knowing that the classic one has not been made redundant. I thought the cast did very well in evoking the original actor's mannerisms while adding their own take as well. I look forward to a sequel and wonder who the antagonist will be. I'd like to see Klingons, and I have read rumors of Khan... but how on earth could anyone top Ricardo Montalban in that role?


  1. Dave sez,

    The new Star Trek just plain flat-out rawked!

    I would tend to think in this New Universe, we would most likely see Klingons. Maybe they won't be the main villains, but, I would think Klingons will be somewhere in the sequel...

    Which should be an interesting thing to see...the original Trek was such a product of the times...

  2. In terms of who out there could take Kahn and make you forget Ricardo Montalban...

    ...may I suggest Bruce Campbell?

  3. In spite of how much I truly DESPISE the cinematic ABOMINATION that IS Jar Jar Abrams' HORRENDOUS, FILTH INFESTED, PIECE OF TRASH "reboot" from 2009; which some of us call STINO (STAR TREK IN NAME ONLY) AKA: STAR DREK: 90210: I must STILL offer my KUDOS to your (as ALWAYS) EXCELLENT WORK!

    As a LONG TIME FAN of (the REAL) STAR TREK (sometimes called TOS), this cover is quite nice indeed! Keep up the great work sir!

