Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Thing and Sin City

Sin City was a real revelation to me when I first checked it out. I was already a big Frank Miller fan, but never had I seen his style presented in such a focused, stripped down manner. His knowledge of light and shadow and sparse but powerful use of color made these gritty noir tales instantly iconic. I was very pleased when Robert Rodriguez chose to work so closely with Miller for the film adaptation, and the result was the most faithful comic book film yet. For the first time, I really felt like I was watching comic panels come to life. Mickey Rourke as Marv especially seemed as though he stepped right off of the pages. I'm not sure what the status of a sequel is these days, but I would love to see another entry into this film series.


  1. Just heard about your blog and went through every entry! So cool...

  2. Dave sez,

    Awesome cover!

    Sin City seems a lot like Watchmen for me - a little goes a long way. I can re-watch the films, along with 300, but not as often.

    I've read bits and pieces here and there that a sequel is may be at the script stage, but don't quote me...Miller may be working on the sequel material for 300.

    I'm not one for anticipation. I try to be oblivious and miss all the hype so I can really enjoy the movie when it comes out...

  3. Mike - Thanks! Stay tuned there are lots more to come!

    Dave - I should follow your lead... usually I get excited for a film and the read up way too much about it, so many of the surprises are gone by the time I see it!
