Friday, February 4, 2011

The Thing and Justice League International

When DC revamped the Justice League in the late 80's I don't think anyone expected the humorous take that was presented. Surprisingly, it worked for me, at least for the first couple of years. I think a big part of the success was the choice of Kevin Maguire on art chores. His knack for facial expressions really amped up the comedic element. I don't think any of the artists that followed him were able to capture the magic in quite the same way. After I while, I did long for the more serious version of the JLA to return, but I am glad that DC was daring enough to experiment with one of its top tier properties in such a fun way.

I haven't been reading the Justice League: Generation Lost series, which is now nearing it's conclusion - but I do like most of the characters involved. Is it worth checking out when it hits TPB form?


  1. Absolutely check out JL:GL, its probably the only thing spun out of Blackest Night/Brightest Day/Longest Yawn that's worth the money.
    If only it had Guy in it...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I second Darryn's motion. Make that "motions'" Gardner is sorely missed.

    Max Lord is really scary these days. I'm constantly on the edge of my seat while reading this book. That guy's liable to do anything!
