Monday, February 14, 2011

The Thing and Betty & Veronica

Another holiday-themed issue today. I have to give Archie Comics credit for being able to keep themselves in the headlines lately. For the past several years there aren't more than a few months that go by before I read about a marriage, a death, a new character reflecting modern times, or a political guest appearance. They do seem to have the ability to attract media attention, but I wonder how much that translates into additional sales. I'm sure it can't hurt. I did read Archie when I was a kid and have to admit that despite having red hair, I identified more with Jughead than the main character. For one thing, I didn't have the two cutest girls in high school fighting for my affection! I never thought that Archie Andrews appreciated how lucky he was.


  1. Archie sells like 1900-2000 in direct sales through Diamond, and in the hundreds of thousands through newsagents, supermarkets and newstands.

    They're doing OK.

    ASM: 53,000 for example. Worst number ever for Spider-Man.

  2. FWIW, the magazine-size LIFE WITH ARCHIE is one of my favorite current comics.

  3. "Wut?"

    :) Thanks for the laugh, I needed one today. -Mea

  4. Either way, someone's getting their rocks off on that wedding night!
