Monday, January 10, 2011

The Thing and Harley Quinn

When Harley Quinn was first introduced in Batman: The Animated Series, I had my misgivings. A love interest for The Joker just didn't seem like something that would work. I should have had more faith in Paul Dini, Bruce Timm and company. Between the twisted relationship the pair was given and Arleen Sorkin's memorable vocal performance, she rightfully became one of the standout characters on the show. They were smart not to over-use her, so when she would appear it was a treat. The transition to the comics continuity was done well also, and she is a welcome addition to Batman's rogues gallery. Heck, I even got a kick out of her appearances in the great Batman: Arkham Asylum video game.


  1. I think Harley came into her own when she was paired with Poison Ivy in the animated series and then in then in the comics.

  2. I love this cover, although I might have gone with the Dodsons' version of Harley (but I am prejudiced; see my letters in issues 4 and 14 of her comic).

    Incidentally, why is a diamond sparkle in Harley's logo blocked by the Thing's logo? I would have thought hers would be layered on top of his.

    Either way, this cover is one of the best. Well, maybe. They're all so call I couldn't really pick the best if you held Harley's pistol to my head. Two rocky thumbs up for your work!

  3. The sparkle obscured too much of the "G" so I decided to place it behind.

  4. How about a Poison Ivy cover?

  5. I've been meaning to use Ivy for a while. One of these days...
