Monday, January 31, 2011

The Thing and Aliens

Alien is one of my favorite science fiction movies ever. Ridley Scott struck the perfect balance between sci-fi, suspense and horror and it just has so many memorable scenes. Plus, H.R. Giger gave audiences one of the best designed creatures in cinema history. I found the absence of noticeable eyes on the alien to be a great creepy choice. While I also love James Cameron's sequel, Aliens - the first one I feel is in a class all its own. I found the concept of one unstoppable monster lurking somewhere on a spacecraft to be more frightening than a planet full of them that you could blast away with a big enough gun. The latter sequels didn't do much for me, but I have high hopes for the next installment because once again Ridley Scott will be directing. I've read that it is a prequel and I really look forward to what Scott has in store.


  1. by Dave,

    Ain't that just the way with sequels? Alien was perfect. Really, the only good thing about Aliens was Bill Paxton - always whining - and Michael Biehn. Biehn was everywhere there for awhile - Aliens, Terminator, The Abyss, Tombstone...

    I never really thought Alien would be the type of movie for a franchise...but then, I didn't think The Matrix would become a franchise...

  2. Considering the Matrix sequels, maybe it shouldn't have!

  3. I'm looking forward to The Thing versus The Thing (from another world).

  4. how bout thing from adams family but seriously i hope to see more letter c characters still creeper capt caveman capt planet for a few

  5. The problem with most sequels - the source material wasn't always intended to be continued. Whoever's working on the next one has to figure out a way to get more story out of it, and that doesn't always work so good.

    Nice compositing on this cover BTW. turned out way cool -Mea

  6. Of course, as we now know, even sequels to prequels can occasionally flop!

    P.S.---how about BTVS and Highlander vs. Aliens?

  7. @Carycomic: MacLeod would probably wind up replacing his dissolved-to-slag katana with a xenomorph's tail-tip...on a stick.
