Monday, November 1, 2010

Batman and Vampirella

A day late for Halloween, I know. I can still remember my first glimpse of Vampirella as a very young lad. It was an ad for monster-themed model kits by Revell or Aurora or one of those toy makers. It depicted the various kits you could order - the line up was something like Frankenstein, Dracula, The Creature from the Black Lagoon... and Vampirella. I knew those other guys, but who was the lady with the scandalously cut one-piece and the pet bat? I was instantly intrigued. Little did I know at the time that that model ad was probably the most chaste depiction of Vampirella ever printed!


  1. NO you're not late..OCT 31 is all Hallows eve and Nov 1st is all souls day. In ancient celtic times it was the day to bring in the harvest and make your sacrifices to your pagan deities.
    You're right on time
