Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Batman and Transformers

I was a little to old to get into the Transformers cartoons when they first aired. I was aware of them but I was more of a Shogun Warriors or Micronauts kind of guy. So I did not start to learn anything about the characters until the first Michael Bay film. That movie was loud and preposterous, but I must admit that I found it to be big, goofy fun for the most part. Unfortunately the sequel is a bloated mess, In my opinion. Way too long and filled with some of the unfunniest "humor" I have seen in any movie. If you must watch this, just fast forward to the robot battle parts. Hopefully lessons were learned and the third installment will be more watchable.


  1. Wow! Cool cover!
    I'm more of a Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman) and Voltron fan.

    Unfortunately, I never got into the rebooted/updated G.I. Joe, the Micronauts or Transformers, until the movies came out. I kinda liked both Transformers and the G.I. Joe movie...

    Now that Michael Bay doesn't have Meghan Fox's hottness to fall back on, the story needs to be stellar...

  2. "Hopefully lessons were learned and the third installment will be more watchable."

    Don't bet on it. This is Hollywood, remember? -Mea

  3. "I was____ are____ of them but I was more of a Shogun Warriors or Micronauts kind of guy... Way too_____ and filled with some of the unfunniest "humor" I have seen in any movie."


  4. Where is this transforming batmobile image from? I know they incorporated transformer tech into the B&B animated series, but that looks like a pre-Nu52 comic...

  5. It was a commission by David White.
