Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Batman and The Sandman (Dream)

I never read an issue of Neal Gaiman's Sandman series until well after it had been collected. I did however read many glowing reviews of the series as well of the many awards it had received. Finally, I had to see what the big fuss was, so I ordered the entire TPB collection and read the series straight through. What a wild ride! It's basically a contemplation on the art of storytelling itself, in all of its forms. The overall arc of Dream and the Endless is interesting and ties the whole epic together, but the real gems are the single issue stories, be they fantastical, humorous, frightening or touching. May favorite one, which still stays with me to this day was from an early issue: The Dream of 1,000 Cats. If you haven't checked out this series, do yourself a treat and do so.


  1. I stumbled across this on google and i damn near went krazee looking for this story before i figured out it was fake. VERY great work sir!

  2. The Dream of 1,000 Cats was my favorite stories too.

  3. You might already know, but if not Neil Gaiman stumbled across your pictures and linked to your blog on his Tumbler:

  4. Yes, I saw - very cool!. I have another Death cover waiting in the wings and I hope he likes it as well.
