Sunday, August 15, 2010

Batman and The Human Torch

The Human Torch is a perfect concept for a superhero. A basic, instantly understandable power with a very interesting visual look. A man bursting into flame is a pretty frightening concept, but that is tempered by Johnny Storm's happy go lucky attitude. That same attitude makes him a great team member as well, either with his Fantastic Four co-stars or Spider-Man. Johnny's slight ego is a welcome character trait - I mean how many of us wouldn't feel a little puffed up if we actually possessed superhuman abilities? It's only natural but something that isn't touched on very much in comic book stories.

The advent and growth of computer coloring in the past 15 years or so has meant a lot of different looks for The Human Torch, as artists have experimented with various ways top represent flame on the printed page. Some have been pretty effective, and some quite garish. For my money, I still prefer the "lots of little lines" look that was the standard when I was growing up - that to me is the real Human Torch. I also do not care for it when artists get overly detailed and allows Johnny's hairstyle to show through while flamed on. That just never looks right to me.


  1. Man, Batman is sure in the bullseye targeted for death in a lot of your stories hehe. Actually that was fairly common in the Brave and Bold run.

    How about some more Earth-Two characters, those would be welcome indeed.

  2. Definitely a few more covers with Earth-2 characters coming up...

  3. I love this particular version of the TORCH simple and basic...not too photo realistic like they have him he looks like a super hero rather than a flaming indistinguishable creature.

  4. AGreed! Marvel leave our heroes alone. X-men are NOT supposed to be in black leather. Keep all characters how they looked in the seventies!!!
