Saturday, May 29, 2010

Batman and Marvel Zombies

When I first heard of the Marvel Zombies mini-series, it sounded like a silly concept and I didn't bother to pick up the issues. I then read a bunch of positive reviews as well as some of Robert Kirkman's other comics work and decided to give it a shot. I am glad I did because I really got a kick out of it, as well as the sequel. It has a nice gallows humor to it and Sean Phillips knows how to draw gore without it having too much of a gross out factor. I haven't tried the later series with different creative teams, hopefully Marvel isn't stretching the concept too thin.


  1. Simply a fantastic blog! Can I take an image to mention it in my blog?

  2. Of course, feel free. Just provide a link to here so your followers can see the whole collection. I am glad you are enjoying it!

  3. Actually, the later Marvel Zombies minis by Fred Van Lente are even better than the Kirkman stuff! It's really wild Zombies trying to invade the regular Marvel U stuff, with all sorts of obscure characters. If you liked Marvel in the 70s and 80s, you'll love the Zombies stuff.

  4. Cool, I'll have to check them out.

  5. I want to see a Marvel Zombies meets (or versus) the Black Lantern Corps

  6. I'd like to see Marvel Zombies become the enslaved pawns of Darth Andeddu!
