Monday, May 24, 2010

Batman and Magnus: Robot Fighter

Another old-school cover here. Magnus is a character that has seen many different iterations over the years. I went with his more classic look because those old covers of his with their pulpy look made a real impression on me. Magnus, Like Doctor Doom, is so cool that even the fact that he wears a skirt does not diminish his awesomeness.


  1. I love this blog!

    It's great to see one of my favorite heroes, Magnus, and this is very nicely done with the go-go checks. Batman comics were so far behind the times in the '60s, so it's weird to see Manning's graceful line work juxtaposed with '60 Batman, even though they were contemporaneous.

    Still, as nice as this one is, it makes me want to see you try to incorporate Batman into a painted Dell cover! Maybe if you combined one of Steve Rude's World's Finest covers with one of the Dell covers? Manning, after all, was Rude's biggest influence...

  2. Thanks, Matt. I had the same thought about the Dells - those painted covers are a lot harder to work with than traditional line work. It's probably just a matter of finding the right images.

  3. I guess a 41s-century kilt was considered more manly than form-fitting Bermuda shorts.

  4. And, as for DC' early Silver Age artwork being behind the times? I like to think that, if this had been a real team-up, the motivation would be similar to the premise for the JLA vs. OMAC story arc of twenty years ago. But, with a campy Golden Age twist. Like, say, the Bat-machine inadvertently serving as the prototype for King Fura's Saturnian robot army circa 3000 A.D.?
