Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Batman and Big Barda

This one was a request and I got lucky to find a picture of Barda that worked with this Batman cover. Well, OK there's no real reason for her to be at a hockey rink, but it does look like she is flinging pucks at Batman.

Most of Kirby's New Gods material didn't appeal to me as a kid, but the exception was Mr. Miracle. His escape artist identity was as cool as his more superheroic side. I was first exposed to him through his three B&B appearances and Barda appeared alongside, but never got solo billing. I have liked her portrayal on the Animated JLU series and I hope she and Scott Free are brought back to the forefront of the DCU soon.


  1. Found your blog through iFanboy.com. Are you a fan of the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series and comic? Robert Greenberger just did a Batman - Big Barda team-up that looked a little something like this...but without the hockey pucks...

  2. Yeah, love the cartoon! The comics are great as well, especially for younger readers.

  3. The best thing about the BATMAN/SUPERMAN: APOCALYPSE animated movie? The scene where they recruit Big Barda to help them go to Apokalips to help them rescue Supergirl. So much fun to see Barda get in on the action!
