Sunday, March 19, 2017

Jonny Quest and Chance Falconer

I'm still holding out hope for new adventures of Leave it to Chance some day.  I loved what James Robinson and Paul Smith did with that series and always have wanted to see more.  It may seem like a long shot but if DC can bring back Jonny Quest and a host of other Hanna-Barbera characters and even team them up with heroes of the DCU, then anything can happen, right?


  1. I would love to see Lucky Luke (or Blueberry) with Jonah Hex, and Spiro with Calvin & Hobbes.

  2. Considering that she seems to have a fire-breathing little pet, wouldn't it be more appropriate to team Ms.Falconer with Shadowcat and Lockheed?

  3. They already are are having DC characters team-up with old Hanna-Barbera characters. Booster Gold/Flintstones, Space Ghost/Green Lantern, Adam Strange/Future Quest and Suicide Squad/Banana-Splits.

  4. I can't say as I've ever heard of Chance Falconer. Is she a manga character?

    1. She's an Image Comics character created by James Robinson and Paul Smith.

  5. Anonymous said...
    "They already are are having DC characters team-up with old Hanna-Barbera characters. Booster Gold/Flintstones, Space Ghost/Green Lantern, Adam Strange/Future Quest and Suicide Squad/Banana-Splits."

    And their (very enjoyable) 'Scooby-Doo! Team-Up' series, which is now on its twenty-something'th issue, has included team-ups by those meddling kids & their dog with some DC characters (mostly based on the animated versions) as well as with other Hanna-Barbera characters...

  6. Maybe Chance finds the amulet of Isis (the original, Saturday-morning version) and saves the day? ^_^

  7. Another idea: Chance wanders into an abandoned subway tunnel and meets an ancient wizard...
