Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Marvel Girl and Batgirl

I have wanted to make a cover that features both characters by Marcio Takara for a while now.  I love his fluid style and the way his figures look constantly in motion.  He has worked on titles like The Flash and Blue Beetle, and hopefully we will see lots more from him in the future.


  1. Ha! Love this one!
    I love the red-head theme.

    You could also go for a green and red, gold and red theme with Jean and Bette/Betty Kane's Bat-Girl/Flamebird if the art fell together right...

    Interesting that both characters went on to life-altering tragedies - Jean as a psychotic mass-murder and Phoenix; Barbara as the information hub Oracle. I would never have crippled Barbara in the first place; and to go and undo that is a shame.

  2. So cool. I like this one in black :)
